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Study Shows Continued Investment in Tobacco Control will Save Minnesota Thousands of Lives and Billions in Medical Costs

Comprehensive approach can prevent more than 14,000 smoking-related deaths

June 10, 2020 – A new study recently published in the journal Tobacco Control, found that Minnesota can save 14,000 lives and billions in healthcare costs if the state sustains comprehensive tobacco control programs. The study used the HealthPartners Institute’s ModelHealthTM: Tobacco Minnesota microsimulation model to estimate the impact of tobacco control programs and quantify savings from smokers who quit or never start from 2018 to 2037.

The simulation predicts that if Minnesota invests in tobacco control at the same or greater levels from 2018 to 2037, the state will prevent 14,063 smoking-attributable deaths, reduce smoking-attributable medical spending by $10.2 billion and increase paid and unpaid productivity by $9.4 billion, resulting in a medical cost savings of more than $100 for every Minnesotan.

There is an urgent need for tobacco prevention investments to continue in Minnesota. ClearWay Minnesota currently funds the majority of the state’s spending on tobacco prevention and will sunset in 2021. The CDC recommends Minnesota spend $53 million per year on prevention and cessation, and currently Minnesota only spends about $15 million, roughly a third of the recommended amount. As ClearWay Minnesota reaches the end of its limited life, that figure will fall further unless action is taken.

“The new study demonstrates that tobacco prevention will yield incredible benefits for the health of all Minnesotans,” said David Willoughby, ClearWay Minnesota’s Chief Executive Officer. “The model clearly demonstrates why Minnesota must continue to invest in comprehensive tobacco control to drive down the rate of smoking and initiation and save thousands of lives.”

The simulation study shows that if current trends of tobacco use continue, Minnesotans will see these predicted benefits in the years 2018-2037:

  • 12,298 fewer cases of cancer;
  • 72,208 fewer hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease and diabetes;
  • 31,913 fewer respiratory disease hospitalizations; and
  • 14,063 fewer smoking attributable deaths.
  • In addition, Minnesotans will spend an estimated $10.2 billion less in medical care and gain $9.4 billion in worker productivity.

This new study is the latest in a series of studies using the ModelHealth: Tobacco Minnesota simulation model conducted by HealthPartners Institute and ClearWay Minnesota. Another modeling study released in 2019 demonstrated the positive benefits from comprehensive statewide tobacco control policies from 1998 to 2017. That retrospective study showed Minnesota’s coordinated tobacco control program resulted in more than 4,000 lives saved from tobacco related diseases and more than $5 billion in saved health care and productivity costs.

Despite all this progress to reduce tobacco’s harm, the state continues to face major tobacco-related challenges that affect the health and pocketbooks of all Minnesotans, including the youth e-cigarette epidemic and stubborn tobacco-related health disparities.

The rapidly rising e-cigarette rate, especially among youth and young people, is an ongoing concern that could disrupt the benefits shown in this model. This model does not account for the impact electronic cigarettes may have on the current and future health and economic well-being of Minnesotans.

While adult and youth cigarette smoking is at historic lows, rising e-cigarette rates have erased nearly two decades of progress to reduce youth tobacco use. In 2019, more than a quarter of Minnesota 11th-graders and more than one in 10 8th-graders reported vaping. To realize the benefits demonstrated in the study, Minnesota must continue to support for policies to protect youth from tobacco addiction in all forms.

“Minnesota’s bold policies and investments in tobacco control have driven down smoking rates, saved thousands of lives and billions of dollars in medical costs and productivity. These gains will grow if Minnesota’s smoking rate continues to fall,” added Willoughby. “Even though ClearWay Minnesota is sunsetting, the need for combatting tobacco addiction remains. Tobacco use affects every single one of us and hurts our health, communities and businesses. To save thousands of lives and billions of dollars, Minnesota lawmakers must continue supporting smokers who want to quit and enact stronger policies to prevent youth from starting. If these efforts continue, we can make a positive difference in the lives of all Minnesotans long after ClearWay Minnesota closes our doors.”


About Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation

HealthPartners Institute is part of HealthPartners, the largest consumer-governed, non-profit health care organization in the nation with a mission to improve health and well-being in partnership with members, patients and the community. HealthPartners Institute supports this mission through research, education and practice. The Institute annually conducts 400+ research studies and trains 700+ medical residents and fellows and 1,200+ medical and advanced practice students. Its integration with HealthPartners’ hospitals, clinics and health plan strengthens the Institute’s ability to discover and develop evidence-based solutions and translate them into practice. Based in Minneapolis, the Institute’s work impacts care, health and well-being across the region and nation as well as internationally. For more information, visit


About ClearWay MinnesotaSM

ClearWay Minnesota is an independent, nonprofit organization that improves the health of Minnesotans by reducing the harm caused by tobacco. ClearWay Minnesota serves Minnesota through its grant-making program and statewide outreach activities. It is funded with 3 percent of the state’s 1998 tobacco settlement. For more information on ClearWay Minnesota call 952-767-1400 or visit

Media Contact

Mike Sheldon


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