Policy Priorities

Commercial tobacco products continue to be a problem in Minnesota

Minnesotans agree that kids shouldn’t use tobacco products – and that more can and should be done to prevent young people from becoming addicted.

Minnesota should take stronger steps to continue to reduce tobacco’s harm. It’s up to us to ensure a smoke-free generation in our state.

Note: Tobacco on this site refers specifically to the use of manufactured, commercial tobacco products, and not to the sacred, medicinal and traditional use of tobacco by American Indians and other groups.

Join us on Tuesday, March 14th for the Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation Day at the Capitol!

The in-person event will start at the Radisson Downtown St. Paul (just a 10 minute walk to the Capitol) for the kick-off and training before heading to meetings with lawmakers later in the day.

Everything that you need to have successful lawmaker meetings will be provided to you, including training. Don’t worry, you don’t have to become a policy expert—what matters most is your voice and passion!

Our efforts for the day will focus on making progress in three areas:

» ending the sale of all flavored commercial tobacco products,
» ensuring that more Minnesotans have access to the tobacco cessation services they need, and
» advocating for funding for our state’s tobacco prevention and cessation programs.

Event agenda:

Radisson Hotel St. Paul Downtown 8:30am-12:15pm
State Capitol Complex 12:15pm-4:00pm

» 8:30 a.m.: Registration opens
» 9:30 a.m.: Issue overview and legislative visit prep
» 11:15 a.m.: Lunch and prep with your group
» 12:15 p.m.: Parade to the Capitol and group photo
» 12:45-4:00 p.m.: Legislative visits

We need your voice. We hope you can join us!

Click below to register:


  • Flavoring

    Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation supports ending the sale of all flavored commercial tobacco products — including menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, e-cigarettes, hookah, and smokeless tobacco — to prevent youth addiction, advance racial and health equity, and create a healthier future for everyone.

    Learn More
  • Price

    Increasing the price of cigarettes is the number one way to prevent kids from ever trying tobacco products.

    Learn More
  • Prevention and Treatment Funding

    We can do more to prevent kids from becoming addicted and provide quit-tobacco support to all Minnesotans, especially those targeted by the tobacco industry.

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  • Tobacco Cessation and Treatment

    Greater access to tobacco cessation medications and treatment will save money and lives

    Learn More