Committee Meeting Calendar

Learn more about coalition committees below and get involved!

Grassroots and Communication Committee (GCOMM): This committee is open to any member that would like to contribute to the coalition’s grassroots and communications efforts. The committee is facilitated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, ACS CAN, and ANSR. The committee meets at 10am on the third Friday of the month.

Racial and Health Equity Committee (RHE): This committee guides and advises coalition efforts to prioritize and operationalize racial and health equity strategies to guide the coalition and strengthen its membership, leadership, day-to-day practices, policy development, and advocacy processes. This committee is facilitated by Janelle Waldock, Tri-Chair of Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation. The committee meets biweekly on Thursdays at 9am.

Lobbyist Committee (LOBBYING): This committee is open to any coalition members that would like to contribute to the coalition’s direct lobbying efforts. This committee is facilitated by Emily Myatt, Tri-Chair of Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation. The committee meets weekly, Tuesdays 12-1pm, during legislative session.


Click through the calendar below to view dates and times of scheduled committee meetings.